1. Welcome

        Kentucky Board of Nursing ​​​​

        UPDATED 07.01.2020

        LCPM Update: The Licensed Certified Professional Midwife ("LCPM") proposed regulations will not be heard until the July meeting of the Interim Joint Committee on Health, Welfare, and Family Services. The date and time of the July meeting has not yet been announced by IJC-HWFS. Therefore, the Kentucky Board of Nursing will not be able to begin licensing this provider type until the regulations pass committee.

        Emergency Regulations and Enforcement Changes Pursuant to Executive Order and SB 150 (2020)

        1. Temporary Work Permits for Reinstatement Applicants and for APRN Applicants for Initial Licensure, Reinstatement or Endorsement

          On March 31, 2020, Governor Andy Beshear approved two emergency regulations enacted by the Kentucky Board of Nursing, 201 KAR 20:225E and 201 KAR 20:470E, which allow for the issuance of a temporary work permit to an RN, LPN or dialysis technician who applies for and is eligible for reinstatement of a lapsed or retired license. On April 20, 2020, J. Michael Brown, Secretary of the Governor's Executive Cabinet, approved a Kentucky Board of Nursing Memorandum that allows for the issuance of a temporary work permit to applicants for APRN licensure. The emergency regulations and the KBN memorandum were effective immediately. These new mechanisms for the issuance of a temporary work permit were needed in light of current delays in the processing of fingerprint-driven criminal background checks, and due to the suspension of certifying exams required of newly licensed APRNs.

          The temporary work permits expire after six months; however, the Board can extend this period if criminal background check processes and national APRN certification exams are not restored within that period. A completed criminal background check will be required in order to obtain full licensure, and APRN applicants will still be required to complete national certification in order to obtain full licensure. This change will allow for a speedy return to practice for a nurse who previously retired or a nurse who allowed his or her license to lapse, and will eliminate barriers to APRN licensure caused by social distancing requirements necessary for fulfilling certification examination integrity. The temporary work permit issued to an APRN upon initial licensure, meaning an APRN who has never before held an APRN license in any state, will specify that the APRN Applicant must practice as an APRN Applicant with another APRN, or an MD, with an active license who is physically present in the facility and immediately available to the APRN Applicant during work hours. A nurse whose license was suspended as a disciplinary action, and nurses with open discipline cases, will still be required to satisfy disciplinary conditions as a prerequisite for reinstatement.

          4-20-2020 Board of Nursing Memorandum - APRNs, 201 KAR 20:470E and 201 KAR 20:225E

        2. APRN Collaborative Agreement Requirements Lifted

          On March 31, 2020, J. Michael Brown, Secretary of the Governor's Executive Cabinet, signed an Order suspending collaborative agreement requirements for the duration of the COVID19 State of Emergency pursuant to Senate Bill 150 Section 13 (2020), and Executive Orders 2020-243 and 2020-257. For Kentucky APRNs, and out-of-state APRNs who have been approved to practice in Kentucky during the State of Emergency, the requirement for collaborative agreements with physicians for the prescribing of controlled substances and legend drugs has been lifted. Specifically, KRS 314.042 Sections 8 and 10 have been suspended, as well as 201 KAR 20:057 Section 7. The suspension of KRS 314.042 Section 10 also lifts the one year waiting period during which newly licensed APRNs were previously required to refrain from prescribing controlled substances. APRNs who prescribe controlled substances will still need a DEA registration and a KASPER master account in order to review patient KASPER data prior to the initial prescribing of a controlled substance to a patient, and no less frequently than every 90 days for ongoing prescribing of controlled substances to a patient.

          Secretary of Executive Cabinet​ Order - Board of Nursing -APRNs

        3. Clinical Education Requirements Modified
        4. On March 31, 2020, J. Michael Brown, Secretary of the Governor's Executive Cabinet, approved a Kentucky Board of Nursing Memorandum that modifies, for the duration of the current State of Emergency, certain nursing clinical education requirements pursuant to Senate Bill 150 Section 13 (2020), and Executive Orders 2020-243 and 2020-257. Per the relaxed enforcement of 201 KAR 20:320 Section 2(9) and Section 3(1)(b) specified in the Memorandum, Board staff will not enforce the 120 hour integrated practicum requirement in a manner that necessitates direct patient care, or the completion of the integrated practicum within seven consecutive weeks. This means that, during the emergency, the 120 hour integrated practicum may be completed or met through simulation. In addition, Board staff will not enforce the 50% threshold for simulation. This means that programs of nursing may provide up to 100% of clinical experiences through simulation if necessary and provided it comports with 201 KAR 20:320 Section 3.

        5. Provisional Licenses for Exam Applicants and Temporary Work Permits for Endorsement Applicants

          On March 31, 2020, J. Michael Brown, Secretary of the Governor's Executive Cabinet, approved a Kentucky Board of Nursing Memorandum that allows for provisional licensure for exam applicants, and temporary work permits for endorsement applicants, in circumstances where a criminal background check has not yet been completed. These modifications were needed in light of the current delay in the processing of fingerprint-driven criminal background checks. The provisional licenses and temporary work permits expire after six months; however, the Board can extend this period if criminal background check processes are not restored within that period. A provisional license issued to an LPN applicant will be voided if the applicant fails the NCLEX-PN examination. A provisional license issued to an RN applicant will be voided if the applicant fails the NCLEX-RN examination. A completed criminal background check will be required in order to obtain full licensure.

          Memorandum - Suspension - Clinical Education Provisional Licensure Temporary Work Permits


          As the Commonwealth of Kentucky continues to undertake extraordinary measures to prevent the spread of the coronavirus disease (COVID-19), at the direction of Governor Beshear, the Kentucky Board of Nursing will cease providing in-person government services to the public or accept walk-in requests effective 5:00 pm March 17, 2020. Services will be provided by mail, fax, email, videoconferencing, internet-based methods or telephone. Board of Nursing staff is currently subject to a substantial reduction of on-site personnel with many employees telecommuting. Unfortunately, this circumstance is likely to result in delays in processing applications and other core functions, agency-wide but is a necessary precaution to prevent spread of COVID-19 to the public and Board staff.

          Beginning March 17, 2020 at 5:00 p.m. the KBN will no longer accept in-person walk-ins. All materials that need to be submitted to the KBN should be emailed, scanned/emailed, faxed, or mailed.

          • Phone: 502-429-3300 (Follow the prompts for needed services)
          • FAX: 502-429-3311
          • Mailing Address: Kentucky Board of Nursing, 312 Whittington Parkway, Suite 300, Louisville, Kentucky 40222.

          The chart below identifies appropriate staff to contact via email, according to the issue of concern. Please realize that while all responses will be addressed to as soon as possible, some responses may be delayed. Updates will be communicated through the KBN website www.kbn.ky.gov



          Email (Preferred)


          Licensure Issues
          Jodi Velazquez
          Sarah Wimsatt
          Amanda Padgett
          All Payments (fines, name change, etc.)
          Briana Howard
          Rita Poynter
          Briana Howard
          CE/AuditMichelle GaryMichelleA.Gary@ky.gov502-429-3311
          Professional Support
          Myra Goldman
          Legal Matters/Legal ServicesMorgan RansdellMorgan.Ransdell@ky.gov502-429-3353
          Compliance MonitoringPatricia SmithPatriciaY.Smith@ky.gov502-429-1245
          KBN Website IssuesInformation Management TeamKBN.Webmaster@ky.gov502-429-3311

          While the Board and staff regret the inconvenience resulting from these current and unprecedented circumstances, be assured that staff members who are available, will continue to work diligently to carry out the KBN mission and will address individual cases as soon as possible.

          Note to Employers: Please continue to use KBN Online Validation and www.Nursys.com for nurse license verification.

          Please visit www.KYCOVID19.KY.GOV for more information on Kentucky’s efforts to combat this international situation. Citizens can also contact the Commonwealth of Kentucky COVID-19 hotline at (800) 722-5725.

          Thank you for your patience with us and with each other.


          During the duration of the current state of emergency related to COVID-19, the Good Samaritan Act of 2007, KRS 39A.350-366, and KRS 314.101(1)(a) authorize the KBN to create a registry and authorize practice in the Commonwealth of nurses and board certified dialysis technicians who are not otherwise licensed to practice in Kentucky and who do not hold multistate practice privileges under the Nurse Licensure Compact but who are currently licensed and in good standing in another state. The Kentucky Registration for Emergency System for Advanced Registration of Volunteer Health Practitioners is applicable to both paid and unpaid positions.

          Individuals are regularly added to the registry. To determine if an individual is on the out-of-state registry who is not listed please contact Michelle.Rudovich@ky.gov

          Out-of-State Licensee Master List

          More information can be obtained here.

          Kentucky Registration for Emergency System for Advanced Registration of Volunteer Health Practitioners Purpose of Service for Intended Practice: COVID‐19 Application


          On March 26, 2020 the Kentucky Office of Inspector Generalprovided guidance to allow for long-term care facilities to train and hirePersonal Care Attendants during the COVID-19 State of Emergency.  Revisedguidance was issued on April 14, 2020.  This temporary waiverpermits a long-term care facility to employ a trained Personal Care Attendant(“PCA”) to perform defined resident care procedures that do not require theskill or training required for a State Registered Nurse Aide (“SRNA”) who hassuccessfully completed the nurse aide training and competency evaluationprogram established by 907 KAR 1:450. Facilities who intend to hire PersonalCare Attendants during the State of Emergency must ensure that the following requirementsare satisfied:

          • A candidate for training must be at least eighteen (18) years of age. There are no minimum educational requirements;
          • A candidatemust complete the training requirements outlined in the April 14, 2020 Officeof Inspector General memo;
          • A candidatewho completes training and is employed by a facility must:
            • ​Satisfy the same criminal background checks requirements asrequired for long-term care facility employees pursuant to KRS 216.788-216.793;
            • Submit to a check of the nurse aide abuse registry; and
            • Be registered through the Kentucky Board of Nursing.

          Once the requirements outlined in the Kentucky Office of InspectorGeneral memorandum are complete, the facility must send the completed spreadsheet with information regarding the Personal Care Attendants and the agenda that shows that all required areas/competencies outlined in the OIG Memorandum ​were trained on by the Personal Care Attendants to Michelle.Rudovich@ky.gov The spreadsheet that is to be completed is located here and should be emailed as an Excel file and not a pdf.  The Office of Inspector General memo that provides information about PCAs can be obtained here.

          KARE/Disciplinary Monitoring Participants

          For individuals who are currently being monitored by Compliance Branch staff (which includes the KARE for Nurses Program, those in Board ordered monitoring through an Agreed Order or Decision, and those working toward the reinstatement of licensure) you must continue to maintain compliance with all aspects of monitoring. The Guidance Letter is being offered by Board staff to assist you with the various aspects of monitoring. Guidance Letter here


          Please note that prescribing limitations for APRNs have not changed.

          Telehealth Resources Telehealth Resources

          Prescribing During State of Emergency Emergency​ Refill Memo

          Guidance for Elective Procedures Elective Procedure Directive

          DEA updates

          DEA State Reciprocity

          Oral CII for Regular CII Script

          DEA SAMHSA Buprenorphine Telemedicine

          DEA Decision Tree


            The Kentucky Board of Nursing has received multiple inquiries from our programs of nursing related to classes and clinical in relation to the spread of the Coronavirus across the U.S. Please see the Guidance Document provided here.


            The Kentucky Board of Nursing has received many calls and emails with concerns about nurses’ safety in providing care for patients with suspected or diagnosed with COVID-19 and the actual and projected shortage of PPE provided in facilities across the Commonwealth. Many nurses have expressed concerns regarding what to do if they feel they are putting themselves and their families at risk or are not provided enough resources to protect themselves. The CDC has established guidelines to identify individuals who are “at-risk” for contracting COVID-19, the proper use of PPE and guidelines for alternative plans with limited PPE supplies, and measures to reduce the spread of COVID-19.  After reviewing CDC guidelines and Kentucky Nursing Laws, the Kentucky Board of Nursing has worked to create a FAQ and resource guide in response to the many questions and concerns our constituents have expressed regarding COVID-19, and this will be updated as new information is released.​

            Safe Care and PPE COVID-19 Safe Care and PPE FAQ

            Safe Care During Pregnancy COVID-19 Safe Care During Pregnancy FAQ

            Patient Abandonment by Nurses COVID-19 Patient Abandonment by Nurses

            The Kentucky Board​ of Nursing is an agency of the Commonwealth of Kentucky, governed by the Nurse Practice Act. The Board is a separate and distinct entity from any professional association.

            ​Our job is to protect public health and welfare by developing and enforcing state laws governing the safe practice of nursing.

            The Board is self-supporting through fees assessed for professional licensure. The agency receives no general fund tax appropriation. 


            For directions to the Kentucky Board of Nursing's physical location, please click here.

            Apply for Licensure Online

            NOTE: Application is best viewed using Internet Explorer or Firefox.
            • by Examination (initial licensure),
            • by Reinstatement, or
            • by Endorsement (licensure from another state board)
            For more information, see Apply for a License.
            It is not the practice of KBN to release NCLEX results to another board of nursing.

            License/Application Lookup

            For more information, see Apply for a License.
            PRIMARY SOURCE VERIFICATION: The KBN website is considered primary source verification and is actually the preferred method of licensure validation. Both JCAHO and the Cabinet for Health and Family Services, Office of the Inspector General, consider verification through the website as evidence of licensure. 
            KBN does primary source verification of an initial applicant's nursing education.  See 201 KAR 20:056201 KAR 20:070 and 201 KAR 20:110

            Nursing Leadership Programs

            For information on Nursing Leadership Programs, please click here.


            Note: Some of the links on this site access non-governmental agencies. The information on these pages is not controlled by KBN or the Commonwealth of Kentucky.
            External links are identified with the following icon: External Link - You are now leaving the .gov domain.
            To view PDF files, you must have Adobe Acrobat Reader. Download it here for free.External Link - You are now leaving the .gov domain.




            Below are the current employment opportunities available at the Kentucky Board of Nursing. Letters of interest and resumes should be submitted to the attention of Jennifer Hart, Human Resource Administrator via e-mail at Jennifer.Hart@ky.gov. For questions regarding vacancies and/or employment with the Kentucky Board of Nursing please contact Jennifer Hart by phone at 502-429-7171 or by email.​

            APRN Investigator (Non-merit)

            Program ​Coordinator (Non-merit)

            ​​How d​o I...?​

            Kentucky Board of Nursing ​

            To determine the status of your RN, LPN and/or APRN Nursing Application, please click here.

            For upcoming Board, Committee & other meetings, please click here.

            KBN Related News

            IMPOSTER ALERT!


            Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner (SANE) Training Dates - 2020

            KBN Connection Spring Issue Now Available

            CE REQUIREMENT: Pediatric Abusive Head Trauma (“Shaken Baby Syndrome”)

            Instructions: How to Request a Background Check Via the AOC's Online System [PDF Format - 189 KB]

            Kentucky Board of Nursing Educational Videos

            Kentucky Board of Nursing Operating Information


            Kentucky Board of Nursing
            312 Whittington Pky
            Suite 300
            Louisville, KY 40222
            Phone: 502-429-3300
            or 1-800-305-2042

            Fax:  502-429-3311

            Office Hours:
            8:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.

            KBN Office Closed:   

            05/25/2020 (Memorial Day​)

            07/03/2020 (Independence Day​)

            09/07/2020 (Labor Day)

            Please be advised that the Board office may be closed on occasions of severe weather and may be unable to provide specific notice of the closing. All online applications are available unless otherwise noted.




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