You can no longer choose Go Unlimited when adding lines or changing plans on your account. You can keep this plan if you already have it and add current mix and match plans to your account if you want.
Visit our unlimited plan comparison page to see if switching to a new unlimited plan is right for you.
With Go Unlimited you get:
- Unlimited 4G LTE data*
- Unlimited domestic Talk & Text
- Talk, text and data in Mexico and Canada included
- DVD-quality streaming (480p)
- Unlimited Mobile Hotspot (600 Kbps)
- Verizon Up rewards
- 6-month Apple® Music promotion
Optional 5G network access for $10/month. A 5G phone on a Go Unlimited plan gets**:
- Unlimited 5G Ultra Wideband data
- Unlimited 4K HD streaming***
- Unlimited 5G Ultra Wideband hotspot
*4G LTE: In times of congestion, your data may be temporarily slower than traffic.
**5G Ultra Wideband requires 5G capable device inside the 5G coverage area. Downloads over 5G Ultra Wideband; uploads initially over 4G LTE, but will not count against your 4G LTE data plan.
***Requires 4K HD video streaming-capable device and streaming service.