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Go Unlimited FAQs

Go Unlimited can no longer be added to your account. If you already have this plan, you can mix and match it with our current unlimited plans.

General Information

  1. What is Go Unlimited?

    You can no longer choose Go Unlimited when adding lines or changing plans on your account. You can keep this plan if you already have it and add current mix and match plans to your account if you want.

    Visit our unlimited plan comparison page to see if switching to a new unlimited plan is right for you.

    With Go Unlimited you get:

    • Unlimited 4G LTE data*
    • Unlimited domestic Talk & Text
    • Talk, text and data in Mexico and Canada included
    • DVD-quality streaming (480p)
    • Unlimited Mobile Hotspot (600 Kbps)
    • Verizon Up rewards
    • 6-month Apple® Music promotion

    Optional 5G network access for $10/month. A 5G phone on a Go Unlimited plan gets**:

    • Unlimited 5G Ultra Wideband data
    • Unlimited 4K HD streaming***
    • Unlimited 5G Ultra Wideband hotspot

    *4G LTE: In times of congestion, your data may be temporarily slower than traffic.
    **5G Ultra Wideband requires 5G capable device inside the 5G coverage area. Downloads over 5G Ultra Wideband; uploads initially over 4G LTE, but will not count against your 4G LTE data plan.
    ***Requires 4K HD video streaming-capable device and streaming service.

  2. What's changed now that there are new unlimited plans?

    Changes when Start Unlimited, Play More Unlimited, Do More Unlimited and Get More Unlimited joined our mix and match family of plans on 8/5/19 include:

    Adding or changing plans

    • You can no longer choose Above Unlimited, Beyond Unlimited or Go Unlimited plans when you add lines or change plans on your account.
    • If you already have these plans you can keep them.

    Discount for using Auto Pay and paper-free billing

    • Above Unlimited, Beyond Unlimited or Go Unlimited Plans: If you're getting a $5/month per line discount for using Auto-Pay and paper-free billing, you keep that discount as long as you keep these plans.
    • Start Unlimited, Play More Unlimited, Do More Unlimited and/or Get More Unlimited: If you add new lines with these plans to your account or change existing lines to these plans, each of those lines get a $10/month per line Auto Pay discount.
    • Each line with a Just Kids plan now gets a $10/month discount. If you already had Just Kids, your discount changed automatically as of 8/5/19.
  3. How much will Go Unlimited cost me?

    Go Unlimited pricing is based on how many phones you have on your account. The price also depends on whether you sign up for Auto Pay and paper-free billing, which gives a $5 discount for each phone. (Keep in mind you can get a $10/month per line discount when you switch to any of our current unlimited plans and use Auto Pay and paper-free billing.)

    Learn more about the Auto Pay and paper-free billing discount.

    Go Unlimited monthly fees:


    Monthly Plan Cost

    Monthly Plan Cost with Auto Pay

    and Paper-Free Billing

    2$140 ($70 each)$130
    3$165 ($55 each)$150
    4 or more$45 each$5 off each


    $140 ($70 each)
  4. Can I mix and match unlimited plans with Go Unlimited?

    Yes, If you already have the Go Unlimited plan, you can keep it, or you can add or change to any of these current unlimited plans and Just Kids:

    • Start Unlimited
    • Play More Unlimited
    • Do More Unlimited
    • Get More Unlimited

    For example, you could have 2 phones on Play More Unlimited, 1 phone on Get More Unlimited, 1 phone on Go Unlimited and 1 phone on Just Kids. You can have up to 10 phones total.

    To add or switch plans in My Verizon, go to My plan then either:

    • Choose Add a line.
    • If you have an unlimited plan, change plans by choosing Manage plan and follow the prompts.
    • My Verizon app: Tap the top left menu, tap Plans and Devices then choose Manage Plan and follow the prompts.
    • If you have a shared data plan, choose Change plan.
    • Tap the Menu icon.
    • Tap Account.
    • Tap My Plan and pick a plan for each line on your account.

    Your data devices and connected devices (e.g., Palm, tablet, Jetpack®, smartwatch, etc.) each need their own compatible data-only plan.

    See current plans you can mix and match.


    • When you switch your plan from a shared data plan to a mix and match unlimited plan in My Verizon, you'll be asked to select the unlimited plan you want for each line on your account, including your tablets and connected devices.
    • The Just Kids plan requires that at least 1 other line on the account be on a current unlimited plan, to be the parent line.
  5. How do I get Go Unlimited for $40 per phone?

    When you have 4 phones on Go Unlimited, you pay $45 for each phone for a total monthly cost of $180.

    Plus, when you pay through Auto Pay (using a debit card or bank account) with paper-free billing you get a $5 discount on each of those phones, giving you a net $20 discount. After the discount, you're paying $160/month which is $40 for each phone. (Keep in mind you can get a $10/month per line discount when you switch to our current unlimited plans and use Auto Pay and paper-free billing.)

    Learn more about the Auto Pay and paper-free billing discount.

    Sign up now for Auto Pay and paper-free billing.

    Go Unlimited (4 phones x $45)
    Auto pay and paper-free discount (4 phones x $5)
    $160 ($40 for each phone)/month
  6. How many devices can I have on my account if I have Go Unlimited?

    Your account can have up to 30 devices (including watches):

    • You can add up to 10 phones (smartphones and basic), each on unlimited plans and/or Just Kids.
    • If you have 10 phone lines, you can have 20 connected devices (e.g., tablet, smartwatch, streaming camera, etc.). Each connected device needs its own data plan.

    Note: If you signed up for Go Unlimited after 6/18/18, your data devices and connected devices need to have their own compatible data-only plan.

  7. Will Mobile Hotspot be fast enough for me?

    Go Unlimited provides unlimited Mobile Hotspot at speeds up to 600 Kbps. Although this isn't as speedy as 4G LTE, it's ideal for occasional Mobile Hotspot use with devices that won't be regularly streaming HD video and music or sharing large files.

    If you plan to use Mobile Hotspot regularly and/or share it with devices for things that require a faster connection, Play More Unlimited or Get More Unlimited may be right for you.

  8. What video quality will I get with Go Unlimited?

    With Go Unlimited, your video quality is 480p for smartphones.

  9. Can I access the 5G Ultra Wideband network with my phone on Go Unlimited?

    5G network access* isn’t included with Go Unlimited, but you can add 5G access to your plan for $10/month to access to our 5G Ultra Wideband network when you're in an Ultra Wideband coverage area:

    • Unlimited data on 5G Ultra Wideband
    • 4k HD streaming on 5G Ultra Wideband**
    • Unlimited Mobile Hotspot on 5G Ultra Wideband

    The option to choose a 5G network access plan displays when you buy a 5G Ultra Wideband-capable phone:

    • My Verizon online – From the top menu, choose Shop, then Smartphones. Or choose Devices then either Add a line or Upgrade now. Follow the prompts.
    • My Verizon app - On the main menu, choose Shop and select a 5G phone. Or tap Devices, Add Device then select Purchase a New Device, choose Smartphones and follow the prompts.

    Visit our 5G overview to learn about 5G devices and 5G Ultra Wideband coverage areas.

    *5G Ultra Wideband requires 5G capable device inside the 5G coverage area. Downloads over 5G Ultra Wideband; uploads initially over 4G LTE, but will not count against your 4G LTE data plan.
    **Requires 4K HD video streaming-capable device and streaming service.

  10. What are my Verizon Cloud media storage options?

    Verizon Cloud media storage isn't included with Go Unlimited, but you can use the Verizon Cloud app to back up and store your contacts.

    You can add up to 2 TB of Verizon Cloud media storage online in My Verizon for a monthly fee.

    With Do More Unlimited and Get More Unlimited, 500 GB of Verizon Cloud storage is included.

  11. Does Go Unlimited include data, calling and texting in Mexico and Canada?

    Yes it does. Go Unlimited lets you use your domestic data while in Mexico and Canada. It also includes unlimited calling or texting while in Mexico and Canada.

  12. Which types of devices are eligible for Go Unlimited?

    Smartphones and basic phones are eligible for Go Unlimited. If you signed up for unlimited after 6/18/18, the connected devices (e.g., tablet, Jetpack, smartwatch, etc.) on your account need to have their own compatible data-only plan. When you add devices, you'll be asked to choose the data plan for each device.

  13. Can I buy a data boost with Go Unlimited?

    No. Data boost isn't available with Go Unlimited. 

  14. Can I get an employee, military, nurse, teacher, or first responder discount with Go Unlimited?

    As part of our commitment to support the men and women who serve our country and our communities, Verizon wireless offers discounts on wireless products and services to eligible nurses, teachers, military personnel, veterans, college students and active duty, retired and volunteer state and local first responders.

    This discount depends on how many unlimited data plans you have:

    • 1 phone - $10 discount per account
    • 2 - 3 phones - $25 discount per account
    • 4+ phones - $20 discount per account

    Visit our Shopping & Deals page and view our discount program FAQs to learn how to register for your discount.


    • This discount changed on 8/5/19. If you had the discount before 8/5/19 you keep that discount amount.
    • If you signed up for Go Unlimited before 6/18/18, you have a $15 account-level discount, no matter how many lines you have.* You can mix and match unlimited plans on your account to get the new discount listed above.

    Other discounts

    Go Unlimited isn't eligible for an employer or corporate plan discount. But Go Unlimited customers can get a $5 discount per phone line each month for using Auto Pay and paper-free billing.

    Go Unlimited isn't eligible for your employer discount or corporate plan discount. Contact your employer to see if you can take advantage of any other benefits your employer offers with Verizon Wireless.

    *Does not apply to first responders.

  15. What happens if I switch my plan from Go Unlimited to a shared data plan?

    If you change your plan to a shared data plan, all lines on your account will change to that plan as well.*

    Also, if you're eligible for:

    • A military discount - Your discount will change to a percentage off the monthly service fee for your entire account.
    • An employer discount - If you're eligible for a discount because of your employer's agreement with Verizon, but your unlimited plan wasn't eligible for the discount, that discount will be applied to your new shared data plan.

    *Exception: If you have a Just Kids plan and you remove all unlimited plans from your account, the Just Kids line will be suspended in 48 hours and will be disconnected within the next billing cycle.

  16. Apple is a registered trademark of Apple Inc.

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