- Over 100 industry pages are available.
- These pages display a snapshot of national data obtained from different BLS surveys and programs. Many programs also produce additional industry detail, including state, county, and metropolitan area data.
- The data shown are based on the North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) supersector, sector, and industry level.
- For a listing in alphabetical order, click Alphabetical Index.
- For a listing in industry numerical order, click Industry Order Index.
- Links to industry supersectors are shown on the left side of this screen. These links are available from every page.
About the data
- The most current information is always displayed. Industry at a Glance (IAG) tables are refreshed every time a source program releases new statistics.
- IAG pages may contain different tables or levels of data because BLS programs produce differing levels of industry detail.
- Because the data are assembled from different surveys and programs, they may not always be directly comparable.
- Because of differences in survey methods, some data may cover all workers or establishments, while other data may only be for private industry.
- The NAICS structure is revised every 5 years.
- The NAICS 2017 implementation schedule shows planned conversion dates for each BLS program.
Finding additional data and information
- Clicking on the icon
in the "Back Data" column will extract several years of data for the particular series. - Clicking on a row title will take you to the survey or program home page for that series.
- Clicking on the links at the bottom of each table will take you to the survey or program home pages that are the source of the data displayed.
- The Frequently Asked Questions section on a program homepage will answer a broad range of commonly asked data questions.
- The Contact Us section of a program homepage provides email and telephone numbers to answer questions about the data.
- The Handbook of Methods provides information on the specific survey methods of every BLS program.
- The U.S. Census Bureau NAICS page provides detailed information on NAICS and its revisions.